Monday, April 30, 2012

The Elusive Cause of Alzheimer's Disease, Found At Last?

Alzheimer’s disease is an incurable, degenerative form of dementia which eventually leads to death in those affected. Symptoms include loss of memory pertaining to recent events, confusion, irritability, aggression, mood swings, linguistic difficulties, and, in later stages of the disease, long-term memory loss. These symptoms result from accumulation of amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles in the brain. Amyloid plaques are caused by deposits of amyloid-β protein in the brain. This leads to damage to membranes of axons and dendrites of neurons, which combine with amyloid-β protein to form amyloid plaques which gather in between healthy neurons and affect brain function. On the other hand neurofibrillary tangles are formed when a faulty version of tau protein—a protein that supports the structure of neuron—is produced in the brain, resulting in the collapse of neuronal structures.

As can be seen from the picture, the language and memory regions of the brain have atrophied, which leads to the linguistic difficulty and memory loss symptoms of Alzheimer's.
Neurofibrillary tangles form in the neurons, while amyloid plaques form in between neurons, both contributing to decreased brain functionality.
Almost all of us have heard of Alzheimer’s disease before. We know its general symptoms, and some of us might even have relatives who suffer from it. However, what has eluded us in the past is what causes Alzheimer’s.  Although a family history of Alzheimer's has been identified as a risk factor, other factors appear to be in play as well, as not all members of families with histories of Alzheimer's are affected by it. So what differentiates one person from another in terms of whether or not they will develop the disease, if not the nucleotide sequences in their genes? The study “Epigenetic Differences in Cortical Neurons from a Pair of Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Alzheimer’s Disease,” conducted by Diego Mastroeni, Ann McKee, Andrew Grover, Joseph Rogers, and Paul D. Coleman, purported to answer just that.


In the past, studies have been done to identify certain genes related to Alzheimer’s. But, although certain genes have been found to be associated with the disease, these genes only indicated the probability of Alzheimer’s, and so could not be the sole cause of the disease. Therefore, Mastroeni and his colleagues toyed with the idea that epigenetic modifications, which result in phenotypic differences in monozygotic twins, could also determine the onset of Alzheimer’s disease. They hypothesized that these epigenetic mechanisms may be responsible for mediating the effects of the environment—external factors—on Alzheimer’s risk. In order to investigate this possible cause, the study examined DNA methylation, in which a methyl group is added to the 5th carbon of the cytosine pyrimidine ring or 6th carbon of the adenine purine ring to turn the gene in which methylation occurs "off", altering gene expression without changing the nucleotide sequence itself.

FIGURE 1: A methyl group (CH3) is added to the C5 on cytosine to block the transcription of the gene, locking the gene in “off” mode so that it is not expressed.

                As in all controlled experiments, there was both a control and experimental condition. Since this approach to finding the cause of Alzheimer’s deals with DNA, the scientists had to find subjects who had identical genetic material in order to ensure that the only differences in gene expression would be due to epigenetic modifications. Therefore, their subjects were a pair of monozygotic twins—twins that were born from the same pregnancy and developed from one oocyte (egg cell)—who were discordant for Alzheimer’s disease.

                Both twins were evaluated before and after their deaths by neurologists as well as neuropathologists in order to diagnose any neurological diseases. Ante-mortem evaluations showed that one twin was positive for AD, while the other was neurologically normal. Both twins were white male chemical engineers, however the twin who developed Alzheimer’s had extensive exposure to pesticides in his work. The affected twin experienced his first symptoms of Alzheimer’s at age 60, his memory loss increasing in severity over the course of the next 16 years, until he passed away at age 76. On the other hand, his identical twin, who underwent the same education and had the same job, but had a different working environment, developed prostate cancer and passed away at age 79, with his cognitive facilities still intact.

                The tissue processing protocols and facility in which the twins were autopsied were the same, with both twins frozen on aluminum plates at -80°C on dry ice immediately after their bodies were recovered, and then transferred to a freezer of the same temperature for storage. The post-mortem examinations of brain tissue for the non-Alzheimer’s twin showed a scant amount of Thioflavin S plaque (top left) and neurofibrillary tangle (bottom left). On the other hand, the Alzheimer’s twin showed high amounts of both (right column), which led to impaired cognitive function.

FIGURE 2: The brain tissues of both twins were analyzed for Thioflavin S plaque and neurofibrillary tangle, with high levels of both indicating Alzheimer’s, whereas low levels indicate normal brain tissue.
"Epigenetic Differences in Cortical Neurons from a Pair of Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Alzheimer's Disease "
Immunohistochemistry, antigen detection through the use of various antibodies which bind to their specific corresponding antigens, was also used to analyze the twins’ brain tissues, specifically, their temporal neo-cortex, which was cut into 1-cm thick layers. These slabs were then washed, treated with several chemicals, and then further sliced into 40 micrometer pieces, which were then washed again and incubated in various antibody solutions. Afterwards, the brain tissue was again treated with chemicals, dried, rinsed with alcohol, de-fatted, and mounted. Special microscopes that utilized laser scanning were then used to examine the immunostained tissue sections. Under the microscope, the specific immunoreacted substances which were being tested for (in this case, 5-methylcytosine) would exhibit a fluorescence due to the chemicals with which the tissue was treated (ex. fluorophore-conjugated secondary antibody solution). In statistically analyzing the samples, the fluorescence intensities of 5-methylcytosine, the methylated version of the cytosine nitrogen base in DNA, were evaluated (the intenser the fluorescence from the sample, the more methylation of DNA in that region). The anterior temporal neocortex, which is affected by Alzheimer’s, as well as the cerebellum, which is not affected, were processed using antibody concentrations which would detect 5-methylcytosine. As was expected, there was little difference between the cell layers of the cerebellum in both twins (bottom row of fig. 3) and a visible difference between their anterior temporal neocortex cell layers (top row of fig. 3).

FIGURE 3: Immunoreactivity (reactions between an antigen and its particular antibody) for DNA methylation in the anterior temporal neocortex (top row) and cerebellum (bottom row) are shown. The left column shows the results for the non-demented twin, and the right column shows those for the Alzheimer’s twin.
"Epigenetic Differences in Cortical Neurons from a Pair of Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Alzheimer's Disease "
The results of the DNA methylation immunoreactivity show that there is decreased methylation in the anterior temporal neocortex of the Alzheimer’s twin relative to the unaffected twin, due to the disease’s impact on the region. Using a T-test, Mastroeni found that all markers had significant decreases (P<0.0001) in imunoreactivity in the twin affected by Alzheimer’s than in the non-Alzheimer’s twin, meaning that there was less DNA methylation in the Alzheimer's twin. The implications of this finding can be applied to previous studies on Alzheimer’s disease, which reported either increases or decreases in the expression of certain genes in Alzheimer’s patients. As many genes have methylation sites, the explanation of Alzheimer’s resulting from hypomethylation (decrease in methylation) could perhaps account for the complexity of the disorder and serve as an all-encompassing explanation for the various biological characteristics of the disease. These findings also show that epigenetic mechanisms may very well also be the means by which life events (ex. exposure to pesticides, or work environment) are translated into effects on our physiology (ex. increased risk for developing Alzheimer’s).


Prior to the aforementioned study, scientists had already established quite an extensive database of Alzheimer’s related research. One risk factor in developing Alzheimer’s is genetics. Two kinds of genes were found to be associated with Alzheimer’s which increased the risk of the disease being passed down in the family—ApoE4, which increases risk of Alzhiemer’s, and deterministic genes, which are very rare but, if inherited, inevitably result in early onset Alzheimer’s. These genes can contain mutations which result in heightened risk for Alzheimer’s, but even this does not explain the whole picture, which is why the investigation into possible epigenetic causes for Alzheimer’s was needed to further illuminate the issue.

 A research study published two years after Mastroeni’s study further explored epigenetics as a marker of Alzheimer’s disease. As ribosomal insufficiencies have also been observed in Alzheimer’s patients, Pietrzak hypothesized that genes which code for rRNA (which is required in the synthesis of ribosomes, which make protein) are being methylated and thus turned “off”, effectively decreasing ribosome production. The findings of the study supported his hypothesis that rDNA (DNA which codes for rRNA) hypermethylation could be another epigenetic marker of Alzheimer’s disease. This again puts an emphasis on the complexity of Alzheimer's disease, as it is characterized by the hypomethylation of certain genes and the hypermethylation of others.

A 2012 research study on mice with Alzheimer’s disease showed that the memory loss typical to Alzheimer’s cases result from methylation of genes involved in neuronal communication. By blocking the enzyme which catalyzes the methylation of the genes, HDAC2, scientists were able to restore the function of the neurons which had been turned “off.” If drugs could be made to inhibit the enzyme in humans, it could possibly be used as a treatment for the disease in the future. In this instance, as well as the studies mentioned above, an epigenetic approach was taken to understanding Alzheimer’s.

These recent studies go to show the importance of gene regulation in Alzheimer’s disease, and, although we are still not 100% sure as to the cause of Alzheimer’s disease, much progress has been made and the beginnings of a potential treatment have appeared. The next steps the scientific community must take include bringing this drug which could hinder the effects of Alzheimer’s into existence, and continuing its research into the causes of Alzheimer’s. Although we definitely know more about the disease than we did 10 years ago, we must know even more in order to identify a cure for the currently incurable disease, and eradicate today’s most prevalent form of dementia.

For MORE information about DNA methylation, please view 24:20-28:19 of this youtube video: 


1.       "Alzheimer's & Dementia Causes." Alzheimer's Association. Alzheimer's Association, 2011. Web. 28 Apr 2012. <>.
2.       "Alzheimer's Disease." Science Daily. Science Daily, n.d. Web. 19 Apr 2012. <'s_disease.htm>.
3.       Mastroeni, Diego, Ann McKee, Andrew Grover, Joseph Rogers, and Paul Coleman. "Epigenetic Differences in Cortical Neurons from a Pair of Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Alzheimer's Disease."Epigenetic Differences in Cortical Neurons from a Pair of Monozygotic Twins Discordant for Alzheimer's Disease 4.8 (2009): 1-6. PLoS One. Web. 16 Apr 2012.
4.       Pietrzak, Maciej, Grzegorz Rempala, Peter Nelson, Jing-Juan Zheng, and Michal Hetman. "Epigenetic Silencing of Nucleolar rRNA Genes in Alzheimer's Disease." Epigenetic Silencing of Nucleolar rRNA Genes in Alzheimer's Disease 6.7 (2011): 1-6.PLoS One. Web. 18 Apr 2012.
5.       Tsai, Li-Huei. "HHMI News: REAWAKENING NEURONS - Researchers Find an Epigenetic Culprit of Memory Decline." HHMI. Howard Hughes Medical Institute, 29 Feb 2012. Web. 27 Apr 2012. <>.


  1. I realized from reading this blog about the sole cause of Alzheimer's disease that various types of diseases originate in a person's body due to environment factors which brings about epigenetic modifications. What I found interesting about the research was that even though both of the identical twins died of an incurable disease at roughly around the same time, they suffered from different types of chronic illness . This proves that our surroundings and the things we're exposed to daily has a tremendous affect on our future. This research can further prove that elements of both nature and nurture are important decisive factors of how we turn out.

    The research main article that this blog focused on is relavent to many other experiments done in the field of epigenetic. What I found from my research article was that the chemical compounds, sulforaphane, found in broccolis and other cruciferous vegetables has the ability to epigenetically prevent different types of cancer such as breast cancer and prostate cancer from being activated. This chemical process is plausible because sulforaphane acts as an inhibitor of HDACs, or the enzymes responsible for triggering cancerous cells. I think that these recent bio-technological findings into different types of diseases allows scientists to invent medications and alternative methods of preventing chronic illnesses that put an end to so many lives.

    Your blog was really enjoyable to read and increased my understanding of how DNA methylation and other epigenetic processes function.

  2. Hi Goi! After reading this blog, I realized that Alzheimer's diseases is not solely caused genetically but also environmentally. I'm definitely relieved by this because my grandmother has alzheimer's disease and this research means that I might not have Alzheimer's (wipee!!) This research brings us to question the classic debate of nature vs nurture. The twins study (died from same incurable disease although endured through different types of chronic symptoms) prove that the environmental factors affect the epigenetic modifications.
    In this blog, you mentioned that researchers cannot exactly identify the area where the genes is affected but can only estimate where it is. However, in the research article I read, researchers can use genome wide scan to identify the exact loci that affected Asperger's syndrome. I'm not sure if genome wide scan has be conducted on Alzeihmer's but if it does, then I think researchers would be able to find the overlapping loci of the syndrome. Overall, this blog is just "WOW!" I like it :) It enhances my knowledge in DNA methylation and epigenetic processes.

  3. I have decided to make this post or testimony public. My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s ten years ago. I loved my husband very much, and it was heartbreaking to have him develop Alzheimer's disease and to stand by and watch him decline in his ability to take care of himself, struggling with day-to-day tasks. It takes away his memory and eventually the ability to do basic tasks. Alzheimer’s doesn’t just affect the person who is diagnosed — it also turns your world as a caregiver, upside down if your loved one is grappling with the condition. To be clear, there is no pharmaceutical medicine, no magic pill that has any significant effect on the progressive downhill course of this disease. Not until we use an Herbal Medicine called BRONGEE that puts an end to it. He has been well and living his best life. While there may be other different options. Never make your own success path a secret. There should be no shame. Contact Dr. Rohan with, It may also help you too. 

  4. My daughter (Annabel) suffered schizophrenia for 5 years. I had no idea what was happening and didn’t know where to turn for help. It was hard then because I really didn’t understand the symptoms earlier until she was diagnosed. There was a time she decided to get away from everyone, I was not excluded. I had to sit and cry almost every day because I felt helpless as a single mother (she is all I have got). The anguish I went through taking care of her alone is beyond explanation because there was no support whatsoever from the dad or family members. I fought for proper medical care and humane treatment; I did everything within my reach to get her cured but all to no avail. Countless different medications was prescribed (Zyprexa, fluphenazine, Risperdal, quetiapine, etc.) that she was taking but all we could get was myriad of side effects such as rigidity, drowsiness, dizziness, tremors and restlessness which tends to worsen the already damaged situation. Frustration was the order of the day. I wrote a couple of messages to Ontario Mental Health Foundation for help because watching my daughter go through such was devastating. It was at this foundation someone shared a testimony about DR Sunday herbal medicine, how effective it is and how she went through the most difficult times of her life trying to help her mom fight Schizophrenia. Being that I was already at the verge of giving up because I just couldn't imagine waking up every morning to fight the same demons that left me so tired the night before. I had to contact the doctor,on his email  (  from our conversations; I was relieved and convinced that the result is going to be positive because I was made to contact people with worse cases. Today, the awful situation of my daughter has gone by. Her happy life is back. She is now a schizophrenia survivor and I am glad because my daily routine activities can now kick off without obstructions. Don't let Schizophrenia hinder you from living a desired life and also, never allow anyone to decide for you especially when they don't know what you have to go through to get to where you are. I was almost discouraged by the doctor but then, I remembered that: I have to shield my daughter’s destiny with courage, faith and perseverance because she is not in her right state of mind and that the bravery and freedom from fear is found in the ‘doing’. Her life is now a testimony. After my daughter got cured,from the herbal mix medicine Dr Sunday prepared and sent to me, she said, Mom “I just thought, ‘Well, I’m a weirdo, I’ll never be normal, then I said, my daughter, life itself is a misery and we get stronger in the places we have been broken. Thanks to you Dr. Sunday  for your excellent counseling, no more psychotic symptoms for the past 3 years and 4 months now. To know more about Dr.Sunday and the effectiveness of his Herbs and roots extracts and he said he got cures for diseases like Bipolar,DIABETES, HPV,SHINGLES,CANCER, ALS, HEPATITIS B, KIDNEY DISEASE, HERPES, Ovarian Cancer,Pancreatic cancers, Bladder cancer,Skin cancer, Prostate cancer, Glaucoma., Cataracts,Macular degeneration,Cardiovascular disease,Autism,Lung disease.Enlarged prostate,Osteoporosis.Alzheimer's disease,psoriasis ,Tach Diseases,Lupus,Dementia.kidney cancer, lung cancer,. You can reach him on his Email at ...  I believe you will testify just like me.

  5. Having Alzheimer's disease knocked my mother off her life and had her living like a mad person, I didn't know how the better part of her life eluded her, my mind was completely splatted in two, She showed a severe decline in her mental and cognitive skills in the last few years and her quality of life had deteriorated greatly in the past 2 years where she was mostly bedridden. I am very glad my partner sought help and now she is free from all signs of psychosis. She was healed through the herbal medicines from Dr. Rohan (BRONGEE). I believe there is no act of kindness that is too small that is why I am sharing this testimony here. If you have anybody who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, I will advise you to opt out from western medication and go for BRONGEE herbal medicine. you will have every reason to be happy again just as I am. You can visit his blog to know more about this herbal medicine.
     He is well known for his groundbreaking treatments concerning the brain and mind issues..

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I have decided to make this post or testimony public. My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s ten years ago. I loved my husband very much, and it was heartbreaking to have him develop Alzheimer's disease and to stand by and watch him decline in his ability to take care of himself, struggling with day-to-day tasks. It takes away his memory and eventually the ability to do basic tasks. Alzheimer’s doesn’t just affect the person who is diagnosed — it also turns your world as a caregiver, upside down if your loved one is grappling with the condition. To be clear, there is no pharmaceutical medicine, no magic pill that has any significant effect on the progressive downhill course of this disease. Not until we use an Herbal Medicine called BRONGEE that puts an end to it. He has been well and living his best life. While there may be other different options. Never make your own success path a secret. There should be no shame. Contact Dr. Rohan with, It may also help you too. 

  8. I read through with interest. I once believed Alzheimer's disease has no cure. Well, it is true with western medications, but not with herbal medicine. My Dad's experience opened my eyes to the reality of a cure through herbs. My Father was a vibrant man before his encounter with Alzheimer's. He was a scientist, hence his mental capability was never in doubt. In 2015, he was diagnosed with Alzheimer's. The symptoms manifested through repeating conversation and gradually forgetting things. It became progressive from finding the right words during a conversation, to significant confusion and forgetting details about himself. It was not a good experience, seeing your father whose brilliance had no match totally became a shadow of himself. His doctor said the disease has no cure, just medications for treatment which had a lot of side effects were administered to him. Early 2018, while on the internet, I bumped into a story of Alzheimer's, and I read about a cure through herbs. With interest, I researched more to be sure it was not a hoax.  In my quest, I contacted Dr. Rohan mentioned in the testimony, I got his herbal medicine for my father, just after 2 weeks of using his herbal supplements I began to see improvement and in just 5 months, my father was completely healed from this horrible disease called Alzheimer's. It's been 3 years and he is perfectly okay and back to his laboratory work even at old age. For your loved ones with Alzheimer's or Dementia, take them off Western Medication and go for BRONGEE herbal medicine. Dr. Rohan can be reached through You will come back to testify

  9. My mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease 7 years ago, almost when all hope was lost due to several failed attempts in making her healthy. My desire to see her permanently free drives me into searching the internet for possible solutions which led me to a video about Alzheimer’s disease on YouTube, I met with a comment on how an herbal doctor cures Alzheimer patients with natural herbs. I collected the doctor's contact and reached out to him, we talked about it and he asked few questions about her physical challenges which I answered, and then he prepared the herbal medicine and sent them to me here in Tennessee with prescriptions on how to use attached, I ensured my mom took the herbal medicine accordingly and in 3 weeks of using this medication, we began to see improvement in her health and now, I am so glad to share this testimony that after 8 months, my mom is permanently healed from this horrible disease called Alzheimer, and now she is living her best life. Contact Dr. Rohan via you will come back for your testimony.  

  10. I have decided to make this post or testimony public. My husband was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s ten years ago. I loved my husband very much, and it was heartbreaking to have him develop Alzheimer's disease and to stand by and watch him decline in his ability to take care of himself, struggling with day-to-day tasks. It takes away his memory and eventually the ability to do basic tasks. Alzheimer’s doesn’t just affect the person who is diagnosed — it also turns your world as a caregiver, upside down if your loved one is grappling with the condition. To be clear, there is no pharmaceutical medicine, no magic pill that has any significant effect on the progressive downhill course of this disease. Not until we use an Herbal Medicine called BRONGEE that puts an end to it. He has been well and living his best life. While there may be other different options. Never make your own success path a secret. There should be no shame. Contact Dr. Rohan with, It may also help you too.

  11. Having Dementia knocked my mother off her life and had her living like a mad person, I didn't know how the better part of her life eluded her, my mind was completely splitted in two, She showed a severe decline in her mental and cognitive skills in the last few years and her quality of life had deteriorated greatly in the past 2 years where she was mostly bedridden. I am very glad my partner sought help and now she is free from all signs of psychosis. She was healed through the herbal medicines from Dr. Rohan (BRONGEE). I believe there is no act of kindness that is too small that is why I am sharing this testimony here. If you have anybody who is diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease, I will advise you to opt out from western medication and go for BRONGEE herbal medicine. you will have every reason to be happy again just as I am. You can visit his blog to know more about this herbal medicine. or write to him directly on WhatsApp via +393512146722.
    He is well known for his groundbreaking treatments concerning the brain and kidney issues.

  12. My mom was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease 7 years ago, almost when all hope was lost due to several failed attempts in making her healthy. My desire to see her permanently free drives me into searching the internet for possible solutions which led me to a video about Alzheimer’s disease on YouTube, I met with a comment on how an herbal doctor cures Alzheimer patients with natural herbs. I collected the doctor's contact and reached out to him, we talked about it and he asked few questions about her physical challenges which I answered, and then he prepared the herbal medicine and sent them to me here in Tennessee with prescriptions on how to use attached, I ensured my mom took the herbal medicine accordingly and in 3 weeks of using this medication, we began to see improvement in her health and now, I am so glad to share this testimony that after 8 months, my mom is permanently healed from this horrible disease called Alzheimer, and now she is living her best life. Contact Dr. Rohan via you will come back for your testimony
